There aspects that inspired by thermal bath.
The unique grap between each roof and the unique light effect it created.
The combination of landscape and building.
The coherence line element.
Another inspiration was came from the theater in Chinese, the stackable roof create an interestion negative space.
Basic concept drawing of roof.
Concept plan of theater, the red parts of the plan show 2 theaters, blue area were the stuff rooms and changing room of actors. the gray parts show the commerial area such as the art shop and restaurant. At least, the green part was the open space.The sketch model of the theater concept. The negative space the created by the roofs can let the nature light comes straight into the main theater.
The model with material, the line element of the theater surface and the green roof shows the combination of landscape and theater.
Two elevation of the theater, which can clear see the negative spaces that created by the roof.
The poster